

 氨糖软骨素禁忌  2024-06-08 文章编号:7  0


Foot and ankle injuries are common among athletes and individuals who lead an active lifestyle. Proper support and protection of the ankle joint can prevent and reduce the risk of injuries. A common technique used for ankle support is the use of ankle braces or tape. In this video tutorial, we will demonstrate how to properly apply a compression bandage or tape to the ankle for added support.



Before applying the bandage or tape, ensure that the ankle is clean and dry. Trim any excess hair on the ankle to prevent discomfort from the tape sticking to the hair. It is also advisable to apply a thin layer of adhesive spray or pre-wrap to the ankle. This will provide a barrier between the skin and the tape, preventing irritation and possible skin damage.

Application of the tape

Start the application by placing an anchor strip around the ankle, just above the ankle bone. Wrap the tape around the ankle in a figure-eight pattern, starting from the inside of the ankle, just above the bone. As you wrap the tape around the top of the foot, pull it to provide tension, but not too tight to prevent constriction. Continue the figure-eight pattern, wrapping around the back of the ankle and then inward toward the arch of the foot. Be sure to overlap the tape about halfway around the ankle with each pass, but not too much as it can create an uncomfortable pressure point. Repeat this process until the entire foot and ankle are covered with tape. Finally, finish by applying another anchor strip around the top of the ankle, securing the tape in place.

Benefits of using compression bandage or tape

A compression bandage or tape is an excellent way to support the ankle joint. It helps to provide stability to the foot and ankle, reducing the risk of injury. It can also help to reduce swelling and inflammation by compressing the soft tissues around the ankle. This method of ankle support is commonly used in sports activities, but it can also be used in everyday life for added support and protection.


Applying a compression bandage or tape to the ankle using the figure-eight pattern can provide added support and protection to the ankle joint. This method of ankle support is commonly used in sports activities, but it can also be used in everyday life for added support and protection. By following the steps outlined in this video tutorial, you can safely and effectively apply a compression bandage or tape to the ankle to prevent and reduce the risk of ankle injuries.
